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IMAGINE having consistently nourishing and empowering relationships.

Imagine being able to clearly and confidently spot a potential healthy relationship OR clearly see one that is NOT.

Imagine having the confidence and self worth to unapologetically say NO to relationships that are not a fit, instead of feeling guilty and obligated to compromise your standards. 

Imagine being able to clearly and effortlessly define your standards, values, and boundaries AND having full confidence they will be respected and honored. 

Imagine being able to trust yourself SO FULLY that you know you will have your own back when all the chips are down. That you will NEVER BETRAY YOURSELF AGAIN for any relationship. 

Imagine sharing your Divine presence with a person who is far more concerned with you loving YOURSELF than they are about you loving THEM. 

Imagine having relationships with people fully present in their OWN lives, passionate about their OWN dreams, and deeply committed to their OWN values. 

What would it feel like, to have partnerships and relationships characterized by HONOR, RESPECT, PASSION, HEALTH, INTIMACY, EQUALITY, AND TEAMWORK?

Wouldn't it be SUCH A FUCKING RELIEF to know you don't have to walk on eggshells anymore? That you don't have to minimize your dreams? That you don't have to repackage your own desires to fit someone else's? That you don't have to hide your own glory, in order to coddle someone else's ego? That you don't have to fake your feelings, EVER, for fear of someone else's reaction?

What if you could know new relationships WEREN'T going to be another fucking headache, putting your safety and sanity at risk, AGAIN? 


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In the Unapologetic Empire, YOU WILL LEARN THE SKILLS TO: 

1. Defy your inner GOOD GIRL, who is constantly sabotaging your standards and telling you you have to settle and accommodate and compromise. 


2. Get super fucking clear and unapologetic about YOUR values, desires, and standards. 



3. Develop fierce and reliable discernment about any potential red flags. 



4. Become GUILT FREE when you honor yourself and your boundaries. 



5. Invite in INCREDIBLE relationships without losing YOURSELF. 



6. Trust YOURSELF without constantly second guessing and deferring to someone else's opinion. 


7. Become a fierce and unapologetic fucking goddess, who has her own back.

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A supportive Empire of Goddesses, 
practicing the Unapologetic life, who won't let you forget to love yourself like the Goddess you are. 

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"Through your work, I've confronted myself and found that I was seeking my worth deep inside the choices of my partner, as if them choosing me over their array of options somehow made me better. Worthy. Because, then, I must be loveable. Wow! Through this insight, I no longer give power to the irrelevant preferences of someone else."
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"What I know is my last relationship challenged me to seek out YOU. Your perspectives have changed my life. This relationship would've continued for years the way it was, with me still oblivious to what the hell a boundary even was. I now have the ability to identify what I want and need in a relationship."
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"I am a survivor. Never again, thanks to you and Unapologetic."
"I told him NO and stood my ground for the first time. He even showed up at my house to argue. This was a HUGE win and I felt so powerful! I am no longer responsible for his choices or his happiness. I am FREE now. I am Unapologetic!"
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"Because of Unapologetic, I love me more and understand myself better. Here in South Africa, there is too much gender inequality, so I am standing up becoming the light in the darkness and voice for my girls. I have been talking on a radio show about Self Love. We're gonna make it. Eventually, we will be free to be our true selves again. Unapologetic gives me strength to keep fighting for all women."
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"Unapologetic gives women the tools they need to put the pieces of their lives together again. They find the permission to take care of themselves and the wisdom to understand their circumstances. That is priceless. You give them their lives back."
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"When you finally remember who the fuck you are, the game changes."
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"Today I let go of a relationship that had been emotionally abusive for decades. Today I stood up and told him 'Never Again'. I mourn the relationship I thought I had and I am grateful to understand now what is appropriate to expect in my relationships."
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"I can't betray myself anymore. Every time I waver, you are in the back of my head saying 'Dammit you deserve so much better!' Thanks to Unapologetic, I know my worth and my standards reflect that."

what's included:


Five times a week, you will have the opportunity to participate in a virtual magical meeting of Goddesses. In these meetings, we will discuss a topic relevant to reclaiming our autonomy, honoring our rights, and creating healthy relationships. The wisdom of the collective is a powerful catalyst for all involved. The format of our group is peer to peer recovery, meaning our discussions are based on the experiences, wisdom, and hard one successes of all members' recovery journeys. The Goddess Circles are facilitated by five Goddess Sages, who each host a Goddess Circle with their own unique experience and special touch. 

No more trudging alone. No more lack of accountability. No more suffering in silence. 

Every week, you will get the opportunity to check in with fellow Goddesses. You will be inspired by their bravery. You will find it much harder to excuse your own self betrayal. 

You will be challenged to take action and you will be given real life examples, from Jillian and many other women, who are seasoned in the Unapologetic journey. 

Our Goddess Sages offer the skill building necessary to create healthy relationships, without losing yourself in the process. We dive deep into difficult topics. We share from the wells of our experience, insight, and education. We do not follow norms and we do not source our truth from credentials or carefully crafted positions of power. We are guided by our own intuition and discernment and we teach you to grow that same power and self trust within yourself. 

We are guided by the belief that YOU are the expert in YOUR life and in YOUR relationships. We believe that QUESTIONS are FAR more important and powerful than any of our OPINIONS ever could be. 



When you join The Unapologetic Empire, you will gain access to the Goddess Academy and a wide range of resources, written exercises, book suggestions, and ally directories. We encourage you to take full advantage of your membership! 

goddess discounts

All of our Empire members get exclusive deep monthly promotional discounts for Goddess courses and workshops. Yep! If you like my work as much as I do, these discounts can REALLY add up. If you plan to take a course or retreat in the future - this alone is a huge reason to join the Empire. Sometimes, you'll even get a bonus workshop gifted FOR FREE! 

Not only will you receive Goddess LLC discounts, you will ALSO receive service discounts from ALL FIVE of our Goddess Sages and their own unique work. 

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Five virtual meetings (Goddess Circles) per week)

Written exercises and resources

Exclusive course, workshop, and retreat discounts

Goddess Advocacy and collaborative support of women leaving exploitative situations

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The Unapologetic Woman


“You’re so boring. Can’t you be more interesting?”

“Stop acting like a slut.”

“You never put out. How can you expect me to be loyal?”

“If you weren’t such a bitch, I wouldn’t have to respond the way I do.”

“You’re such a burden. Do you realize how much work I put in for you?”

“Anyone would drink if they were married to you.”

“You’re such a terrible mom. You’re destroying our kids.”

“You act like it’s hard to do a little cleaning and cooking. Stop complaining.”

“You have no sense of humor. Can’t you take a joke?”

“You’ve totally let yourself go.”

“You’re so spoiled. You have no right to want more.”

“You want a career?  Am I not enough for you?”






For most of our lives, we have spent our time apologizing. Apologizing for not measuring up. Apologizing for not fitting into the box we were told to squeeze into. Apologizing for failing to create someone else’s happiness. 



But today, 






I’m NOT sorry for letting you down. 


I’m NOT sorry for not fitting into your box. 


I’m NOT sorry for BREAKING your RULES. 


I’m NOT sorry for my own DESIRES. 


I’m NOT sorry for my needs and expenses. 


I’m NOT sorry for my parenting decisions. 


I’m NOT sorry for the size and shape of my BODY. 


I’m NOT sorry for DISAGREEING. 


I’m NOT sorry I am unwilling to sacrifice myself anymore. 


I’m NOT sorry for my interests and AMBITION. 


I’m NOT sorry for WANTING MORE. 


I’m NOT sorry DEMEANING COMMENTS aren’t funny to me. 


I’m NOT sorry for VALUING my own LABOR. 


I’m NOT sorry for how I choose to CARE FOR MYSELF. 


I’m NOT sorry for requiring PERMISSION to access my body. 


I’m NOT sorry for having REQUIREMENTS to be in my presence. 


I’m NOT sorry for honoring my desire to say NO THANK YOU. 


I’m NOT sorry for RESPECTING myself enough to let disrespectful people go. 


I’m NOT sorry for remembering and reclaiming the RIGHT TO MYSELF. 







Unapologetic - Where good girls go to die

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© 2015 by Jillian Aurora


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